devpad #4 - MVP check-in


After a few months of work, I've finally gotten the main idea of project & task syncing working. Conceptually, the elements that I wanted from the redesign are there. There are still a few features missing from tasks, like checklists and tag management. Those will be the first things on the roadmap for devpad. From there, it would be nice to have an interface to specify the technologies that each project use. I believe we also need project version as an option that is editable somewhere.

Current Interface

Below is an example of importing a project from a github repo. project importer

The next 2 photos are viewing project tasks & scanning the repo project tasks viewer repo codebase scanning

Looking Forward


I think in order the tasks I will focus on are

  1. Task tags
  2. Task checklists
  3. Project technologies
  4. Project version control
  5. Visual Update

In regards to the 5th item, 'Visual Update', I'd like to do a minimal setup, but not hyper-minimalistic. While this hyper-minimalistic style has been fun and allowed for little friction for implementing new ideas, I think once all the ideas are implemented it would pay off to have a more user-friendly interface. Obviously, would keep all the same functionality. I think this could occur at the same time as when I add client-side interactivity using some SolidJS components. Solid is a framework I've been wanting to learn and have dabbled here and there with it. I'd like to use a style similar to my review site, however since I'm not using NextJS I won't have access to shadcn components, so I'll have to roll my own component styling system.

End Game

Ideally this project gets to a point where I can use it daily with little maintenance and no need for new features. Stability will be a key goal later on, so a full testing suite will be necessary at some point. This project is a necessary stepping stone for my future endeavours. I want to learn new languages (Rust, some LISP based language, Lua), which I will want to track my progress with these. I'm also planning on getting back into game development at some point, and given my past experience this is one of the reasons for the codebase todo scanning feature, as the codebases can get large and split over multiple files, so devpad is a necessary application to have done & stable before I return to gamedev.